
I write as a tool to flesh out my ideas and to build on the innumerable insights I get from both my own depth work and the transformative work I do with my clients.

Writing is an integral part of my ongoing evolutionary process and I share these articles with the intent of inspiring readers to take up the pen themselves and to reap the rewards of exploring ones own soul and psyche through the magic and miracle of the written word.

Masculinity, Meaning & Purpose, Relationships Katie Webster Masculinity, Meaning & Purpose, Relationships Katie Webster

Men and Boys

Contrary to popular belief, little boys are born just as, if not more, sensitive than little girls and instead of being revered for their incredible emotional complexity we systematically stomp it out of them by the time they reach adolescence, out of fear that they will grow up too weak to sustain the hardships of life. We make the exploration of their bodies wrong and shameful and when the seeds of guilt planted in early childhood inevitably blossom into anger in adolescents, we punish them and make them wrong for that too.

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A Journey: Following Your Heart and Finding Yourself

Ever wonder why you feel small? Fear is the culprit (catalyst) that takes over our belief system and stops us from becoming our greatest self. Now to decompose the fear and find a deeper connection with my introverted empath self through self love and acceptance. Guest written by Natasha Newstead

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Personal Growth, Relationships, Mental Health Katie Webster Personal Growth, Relationships, Mental Health Katie Webster

Why We Can Not Bear to Be Alone

Being alone is a state and is entirely different than being lonely which is a feeling. We do not need to learn to be alone so that we can create a companion free existence, but rather so that we can be better at being together. So that we can recognize our irrational demands and human needs as our own problem and not someone else’s burden.

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